Sunday, June 28, 2009

It's a long one. Be ready to read...

Ok... let's look at a few points before I start talking...

1) I've always struggled with my weight. Mainly since I was 13.

2) I've been up and down. Down usually after a break up... which is basically cause I didn't eat anything. Stupid boys! :)

3) I have been working out and eating healthy for over 6 months now and nothing has changed. When I say nothing, I mean NOTHING. This broke me and I felt so helpless.

I was at my breaking point, my last breaking point. So, I decided to see a Dr. that my friend recommended. He's a chiropractor as well as a nutritionist. I was not sure at first because insurance does not cover anything and lets just say its not cheap. Plus, I was mad. Why did I really have to go to a specialist, why wasn't working out and eating healthy good enough!! I had to look past that though and so far I've been amazed at what he's found out. Not to mention the crazy stuff he shows me that the human body does! It's really unbelievable.

So a lot of blood work and tests were done and as of right now I'm on what is called a "rotation diet". I am still in the early stages, as I've only seen him twice. One of the main tests I took was a food sensitivity test that showed me what foods my body was sensitive to (which is different from being allergic to). Who would have thought among those foods would be broccoli, chocolate, and strawberries!? Other main foods I have to cut out completely is anything that has yeast or sugar in it. There are a whole bunch of other stuff but that's the main ones...oh and dairy! Which, is heartbreaking. Let's just say, it's not going to be easy, but I am more determined than ever. Plus, I love the fact that this rotation diet I'm on has been made just for me. No more second guessing.

Oh and so you know - a rotation diet is a nutritious eating program that takes planning based on the elimination of reactive foods. It provides food suggestions for each day in a four-day cycle. Rotating and diversifying your food intake can prevent the development of other food sensitivities. Food sensitivity is often a result of repetitive eating. In both adults and children, wheat, milk, corn, eggs and citrus fruits are typical offenders.

I have a four day meal plan. Each day I have a list of foods I can choose from. Some days are not fun because there is basically NOTHING to eat, other days, I can have potatoes, rice and all that "GOOD STUFF - blah". What I have to remember is that foods that have been taken away can be introduced back into my diet. However, that doesn't mean I can go back to eating a doughnut here and there or bread all the time. Being that I have a yeast overgrowth, I need to stop feeding it and break the habit. This is a life changing event for me. I only want to do this once, spend the money and learn all I can... ONCE. I want to get on a path that doesn't lead to a dead end. It's not going to be easy and to be honest I've done this before but I am more determined than ever! Plus, I have more accountability as well.

So, I am already back to day one (already did the first 4) and I have to keep thinking positive thoughts. It's hard to see the end right now and because of that I am just focusing on day to day.

Here is my goal. To be healthy. I know I won't be on this rotation forever but the knowledge I'm gaining WILL last forever. Never would I have known the importance of "labels" and what certain foods do to a person. I want to treat this like school. I want to learn so much and act upon it. I can see one day becoming a nutritionist and helping those who feel the same way I felt weeks ago. Wouldn't that be awesome?

So yeah, there is my story. I know its kind of long and I probably forgot some points but I think you know what I'm say and where I am going. Valerie, my friend who did this as well, has already warned me that I will most likely cry and that it's OK! The enemy will not win this one. I'm ready for a new life and I'm excited to see where it's going to lead me. I'm sure I'll post more about this as time goes on and as Dr. Heath finds out more information. If you think about me, say a prayer, I want this to be the last time I ever face this. I will take the hold off of my life that the enemy has enjoyed having for so long!

I will!

Thursday, June 18, 2009


I don't think I am going to be writing anymore. Seth has a blog now and he smokes me out of the water with his writing. Jealous maybe? I don't know. I have so much to say right now but don't know how to say it. So here are the main points/topics:

1) Church's are way to political

2) Why do I feel Christians only care when someone is in a "situation"

3) Why do I feel that after 10 or so years of the same church, I don't want to go to it anymore. I love my Pastor and some of the people there but something is missing and I can't seem to get it!

4) I feel scattered right now

Alrighty... hopefully I'll be back at a later time to touch base on these few things. Until then, feel free to share your thoughts.